Pan fu [ein/fy] Arglwydd mawr

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,(2),4.
(Adgyfodiad y Corph)
Pan fu fy Arglwydd mawr
    Yn llawr y bedd,
Cynhesodd wely i mi
    Rhag oeri'm gwedd;
Yn rhydd, ryw ddydd a ddaw, 
  Rho'wch fi â'ch llaw'r un lle;
'Rwy'n caru, er yn wàn,
    Y fàn bu 'Fe.

Wrth wel'd yr angeu du
    Yn nesu'n awr,
'R wy'n ofni ambell dro
    Wrth gofio'r awr;
Pan gwelwy'r gwaith trwy ffydd
  Y trydydd dydd wnaeth Duw,
Mae 'ngobaith yn fwy cry'
    Do'i fyny'n fyw.

Ni allodd angau a'i lu
    Ddal Iesu'n hwy,
Fe gafodd sigo ei siol
    Â marwol glwy':
Ni ddelir un o'r plant,
  Er mynd i bant y bedd,
Fe'u gwelir ar y lan
    Yn wiwlan wedd.

O Dduw! dôd imi ffydd,
    Bob dydd o'r daith,
'Wel'd Seion yn nesau,
    Dros fryniau maith:
Yn Ben mae yno'n byw
  Fy Iesu, 'n Dduw a dyn,
Fu yma'n wael Ei wedd
    Mewn bedd Ei Hun.

Ei gwmni i gario'r groes
    Trwy f'oes gaf i,
A'i gwmni 'ngwaelod bedd
    Sydd fawredd fri:
Er cael fy rhoi'n y llan
  O fewn i'r graean grud,
Ni'm cleddir o'i ŵydd e'
    Mewn lle 'n y byd.

Er pydru yn y bedd
    Yn farwedd fud,
Daw'r Iesu i'm codi'n iach
    Ar brafiach bryd:
A'm llygaid innau a'i gwêl
  Mae'r gair dan sêl yn wir,
Mewn newydd ddedwydd ddydd,
    Boreddydd clir.
Pan fu fy :: Pan fu ein
Rhag oeri'm gwedd :: Rai gwael ein gwedd
Mae 'ngobaith :: Mae'r gobaith
fwy cry' :: fwy hy
angau a'i lu :: angeu du

William Ellis (Gwilym ab Elis) 1752-1810
Ychydig o Hymnau, a Chaniadau Newyddion, &c. 1786.

Tonau [6464.6664]:
Broncairo (J T Rees 1857-1949)
Caerwys (J D Jones 1827-70)
Liverpool (Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77)
Siloah (alaw Gymreig)

Ni allodd angau du
Nid allodd angau du
Nis gallodd angeu du

(The Resurrection of the Body)
When my great Lord was
    In the floor of the grave,
He warmed a bed for me
    Against the coldness of my condition;
Freely, some day to come,
  Give me with thy hand the same place;
I am loving, although weak,
    The place He was.

On seeing the black death
    Drawing near,
I am fearing many a time
    While remembering the hour;
When I will see the work through faith,
  On the third day, that God did,
My hope is more strong
    I shall come up alive.

Death and its host could not
    Hold Jesus any longer,
It got its head crushed
    With a mortal wound:
None of the children is to be held,
  Despite going to the hollow of the grave,
They are to be seen up again
    In a worthy, holy condition.

O God, give to me faith!
    Every day of the journey,
To see Zion getting nearer,
    Over vast hills:
As Head there living is
  My Jesus, as God and man,
Who was here with a poor appearance
    In a grave Himself.

His company to carry the cross
    Throughout my age I may have,
And his company in the bottom of the grave
    Is a greatness of honour:
Although getting put in the churchyard
  Within the gravel cradle,
I am not to be buried from his countenance
     Any place in the world.

Despite decaying in the grave
    Deathly mute,
Jesus shall come to raise me whole
    At a better time:
And my own eyes shall see him
  The word is under seal as true,
In a new, happy day,
    A clear morn of day.
When my ... was :: When our ... was
Against the coldness of my condition :: Some of a poor condition
My hope is :: The hope is
more strong :: more bold
death and its host :: black death

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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